Heritage Open Days

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St Stephen’s and St Ethelbert’s are once again joining in with Heritage Open Days.

St Stephen’s

St Stephen’s Church (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford, GL14 2AA) will be open on Saturday 14 September from 10 am – 5 pm.

The day will be a celebration of Leonard Clark’s story ‘Bands’. Leonard Clark was a chorister at St Stephen’s church and wrote about the choir and local band in his memoir “A Fool in the Forest”.

At 2 pm, “Bands” will be read by Celebrated poet and author Maggie, interspersed with musical pieces from Pillowell Brass Band who are celebrating their 130th anniversary this year.

Throughout the day, information about Leonard Clark, his books and the band will be available. There will also be an opportunity to read and appreciate the contemporary writing of local young people from Forest High School that will be on display.

St Ethelbert’s

St Ethelbert’s (Littledean, GL14 3NL) is a 14th Century Church set in the beautiful Forest of Dean. The church will be open on Saturday 14 September (10.30 am – 5.00 pm) and Sunday 15 September (12 noon – 5.00 pm) and visitors will be able to see many of the wonderful historical items in the church.

On Saturday 14, there will also be a few hardy souls riding on exercise bikes in the Nave in support of the Ride & Stride Appeal (raising funds for Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust). There will also be a Bric-A-Brac and Book sale.

On Sunday 15 September, the Church will be open from 12 noon for visitors and the main attraction will be the fantastic opportunity to visit the bellringing loft, where campanologist-extraordinaire Steve Coleman will be on hand to explain the history and  procedures of the art and quite literally “show you the ropes”.

Ride & Stride

On Saturday 14 September, Chris & Andy will be riding around the Deanery ‘collecting churches’ on their bicycles; Jim will be on his exercise bike at St Ethelbert’s and a team from St John’s team are striding around Gloucester also ‘collecting churches’. It’s all to raise money for Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust and our own churches here in Cinderford and Littledean.

GHCT is a charity that has supported all our churches over the years and all money raised is split 50 / 50. Please speak to Chris ([email protected]), Andy ([email protected]), Jim ([email protected]) or Peter ([email protected]) if you’d like to get involved or to sponsor someone.