Vicar’s May letter (Annual Report)

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Dear friends,

2012 was a busy year in the benefice; memorable events included the Confirmation service in February with candidates from each of the parishes; Bishop John’s weekend with us in September (including the fish & chip supper, the pilgrimage walk, BBQ, and Q&A session) and the Archbishop’s visit to the deanery in July. It would be easy to think of these as the highlights of the year (and I very nearly put ‘highlights included’ in the opening sentence), but, in reality, the highlights of the year should really be considered to be the progress that is being made in relationships, ministry and worship around the benefice.

During the year we have had a significant number of benefice wide events. Many of these have been social events: ladies’ film nights and curry nights, a men’s skittles night and two talent (?) shows. These events have helped to enable relationships to develop and grow across church and parish boundaries and this has to be a good thing. We have worked together: planning Bishop John’s weekend and at the Christmas Fayres. We have walked together and prayed together on the benefice pilgrimage. We have eaten together at lunches, suppers and BBQs. We have studied the Bible together: looking at Christmas narratives, baptism, the resurrection and during the Lent Course. We have also worshipped together: at the Confirmation service with Bishop Michael, at Newlands with Archbishop Rowan, on Ash Wednesday, during Holy Week, particularly on Maundy Thursday, on Remembrance Sunday and at the SHINE conference. A new benefice Mother’s Union branch was formed. A group went to the Keswick Conference together. We have continued to be involved in Churches Together in Cinderford and Littledean Local Ecumenical Partnership initiatives. Our members continue to participate in two Open the Book teams taking Bible Stories into St Whites School and LittledeanSchool on a regular basis.

Sadly, we have said goodbye to some loved ones during 2012, notably David Lewis, Jacky Wood, Simon Wood, Ella Bladon, Basil Johnson, Liz Locket and Keith Cuckow. We give thanks for their faith and take comfort that they are no longer suffering.

We have seen an overall growth in numbers and particularly welcome new families and members at St Stephen’s 11.00 service. Eunice and Linda have started Reader training and three other members are exploring ministry possibilities. We have introduced new All-age services and prayer for healing at communion at St Stephen’s. FAN Club continues to develop and we have introduced two new youth groups, SMILE (for girls) and IF (for boys). We continue to see lots of baptisms and, after one wedding in the benefice in 2012, we have 10 booked for 2013. Despite increased giving, our financial situation continues to be difficult and causes ongoing concern.

I have (possibly unwisely) taken on new roles, as Vice Chair of Churches Together in Cinderford, Chair of Governors at LittledeanSchool and on the Diocesan Synod.

Life continues to be ridiculously busy, but I have received and appreciated support and encouragement from many people, including Sian; our readers, Pat, Lynne and David; our Church wardens, Eve, Sheila, Peter M, Peter P and Richard; our PCC secretaries and treasurers and members; those who have taken on Communion by Extension responsibilities; the members of our All-age worship teams; our prayer partners, trainee readers and those exploring ministry possibilities; and others too numerous to mention individually. Thank you all.

I am looking forward to continued growth, deepening commitment and developing ministry during 2013. I hope you are too.

Yours in Christ,
