Vicar’s September letter

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Dear friends,

Sian and I are busy packing. (By that I mean that Sian is busy packing and I am writing this letter!) We are shortly to depart for a holiday in the States. A long-awaited and long-anticipated trip to Milwaukee for the Harley-Davidson 110th Anniversary celebrations. The event is huge and generally attracts around a million Harley enthusiasts to the city and its surrounding area. Accommodation is hard to come by and ridiculously overpriced. Many event attendees will end up staying 70 or 80 miles away as Milwaukee gets completely full. We booked our accommodation in February 2012!

It will be wonderful to be with so many like-minded people, enjoying being somewhere so different and yet feeling right at home, connected to everyone else there, connected by the reason for being there. The event has been described as ‘Harley Heaven’!

The word heaven is often used to describe somewhere that seems perfect. In Revelation 21, right at the end of the Bible, the apostle John describes a vision of a place with no more death or mourning or crying or pain, a place where every tear will be wiped away. A perfect place. The Bible tells us that this is our true home, where we will be connected with everyone there, where God will be with us and be our God and we will be his people. It will be wonderful. We booked our accommodation years ago! Interested in joining us? There’s plenty of room for everyone and it’s already paid for!

God bless,