HOST – an opportunity

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Could you offer someone a home far from home for just a day or two? HOST, a well-established charity, is hoping to hear from people who enjoy making others feel at home, and who would love to meet interesting young adults from other parts of the world who are currently studying at universities in the UK, and who want to understand this country better.

One host wrote: ‘It is a great to welcome these students and make them feel wanted. They get to see a good side of life in Britain in contrast to what they might learn from the media. It is also fun getting to know someone from another country.’

Invitations can be for a day, a weekend, or 3 days at Christmas. Sharing Christmas with someone who has little idea what Christmas is can be really special – and for the guest, much better than being on a deserted university campus. Invitations are urgently needed from volunteer hosts, no matter how far they live from a university. To find out more, please see or contact local organiser Lynette Chappin 02920 693903. Thank you.