Shoebox Packing Party – Wed 25 Oct

Operation Christmas Child The time has arrived for the annual Shoebox Packing Party! Anyone is welcome to come and join […]

Benefice Pilgrimage 2017 – Sat 16 Sep

Benefice Pilgrimage – Saturday 16 September Never been on a pilgrimage? Come and join our annual Benefice Pilgrimage linking our […]

Christmas Tree Festival

St Stephen’s Church (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford, Forest of Dean) is hosting a Christmas Tree Festival this year on Friday […]

Quiz Night – Thu 16 November

St Stephen’s (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford) are hosting a quiz night on Thursday 16 November from (7.15 pm for) 7.30 […]

Cinderford Churches

Film Night – Wed 3 May – 7.00 pm

Film Night There will be a film night on Wednesday 3 May at St Stephen’s from 7.00 pm. There is […]

Experience Easter

Easter Garden Competition

As part of our All Age Easter Communion service at St Stephen’s on Easter Sunday morning, 11.00 am (Sunday 16 […]

St Ethelbert’s Christmas Market – Sat 26 Nov

St Ethelbert’s Christmas Market is on Saturday 26 November at St Ethelbert’s, Littledean. There will be a lovely range of […]

Light Party – Monday 31 October

This year’s Light Party is around the theme of “Once Upon A Time.” There will be food, fun and a […]

Fairtrade bakeoff

Fairtrade Bake Off on Sunday 25!

This year’s Harvest BakeOff will take place after the Harvest All Age Worship (11.00 am) on Sunday 25 September. Entries […]

Sat 10 Sep – Ride & Stride – Heritage Open Days

Leonard Clark Heritage Open Day Leonard Clark loved the Forest. It was the natural beauty of the Forest that entranced […]

Harvest Flowers

Harvest Around the Benefice

Harvest is celebrated in various ways at the churches around the Benefice, this year St John’s starts off the festivities […]

Heritage Open Day – Sat 10 Sep

Heritage Open Day – Leonard Clark Display at St Stephen’s – Saturday 10 Sep Leonard Clark was a famous literary […]