Contact Us

You can contact us by sending us a message, sending us a photo or by using the contact details below.


Mike Barnsley – Vicar, Cinderford with Littledean
(01594) 822286 | [email protected]
The Vicarage
St Annals Road
GL14 2AS

Richard Blagg – Assistant Curate
(01594) 822153 | [email protected]


Linda Blagg – Lay Reader
(01594) 822153 | [email protected]

Lynne Chaundy – Lay Reader
(01594) 825997

Karen Jones – Lay Reader
[email protected]

Chris Witham – Lay Reader / Deanery Lay Chair
07843 084080 | [email protected]

Rachel Witham – Lay Reader
07540 775179 | [email protected]

Benefice Safeguarding

Linda Blagg – Benefice Safeguarding Officer
(01594) 822153 | [email protected]

Andy Cole – Deputy Benefice Safeguarding Officer
(01594) 822303 | [email protected]

St Ethelbert’s

Sharron Hill – Church Warden

St John’s

Evelyn Smith – Church Warden – (01594) 822755
Pat Byett – Church Warden – (01594) 823713
Christine Morgan – PCC Secretary

St Stephen’s

Chris Witham – Church Warden – 07843 084080 | [email protected]
Kim Howard – Church Warden – (01594) 827933 | [email protected]
Sue Bonner – PCC Administrator – [email protected]
Michael Jones – Treasurer – [email protected]

Correspondence address

The Vicarage
St Annals Road
GL14 2AS