
Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 16th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 16th January 2014.

Support Requested (Today) for New Church in Coleford

You may know that sadly, St John’s Church building in Coleford has had to close because of repair costs of […]

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 15th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 15th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 14th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 14th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 13th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 13th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 12th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 12th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 11th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 11th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 10th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 10th January 2014.

Children’s and Youth Groups restart tomorrow

The various Friday children’s and youth groups are due to restart tomorrow. FAN Club is for children at primary school […]

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 9th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 9th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 8th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 8th January 2014.

Open Bible

Daily Bible Reading for 7th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 7th January 2014.