

Daily Bible Reading for 22nd January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 22nd January 2013.


Daily Bible Reading for 21st January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 21st January 2013.


Daily Bible Reading for 20th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 20th January 2013.

Benefice Film Night cancelled

The Chariots of Fire Film Night at the Palace is unable to go ahead on Sunday evening and the alternative […]

St Stephen’s 3.00pm Holy Communion service cancelled

The St Stephen’s 3.00pm Holy Communion Service on 20 January 2013 has been cancelled due to safety concerns related to the […]

Littledean LEP Joint Service cancelled

The Littledean LEP Joint Service at the URC at 10.30 on 20 January 2013 has been cancelled due to safety […]


Daily Bible Reading for 19th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 19th January 2013.

All Children and Youth Groups Cancelled Tonight

Due to snow, we’ve made the decision to cancel FAN Club, Smile and IF tonight. There will be no children […]

Coffee Morning Cancelled Due to Snow

Unfortunately we’ve had to cancel the coffee morning at St Stephen’s Church Cinderford this morning due to snow. Weather permitting […]


Daily Bible Reading for 18th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 18th January 2013.

Sunday Film Night

Unfortunately the planned showing of Chariots of Fire at the Palace Cinema can not take place on Sunday evening. As […]


Daily Bible Reading for 17th January

Daily Bible Reading passages for 17th January 2013.