
You are invited to a service with the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be making a three day visit to Gloucestershire this […]

You are invited to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury at Gloucester Cathedral

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be making a three day visit to Gloucestershire this […]

Vicar’s June letter

Dear friends, David Burt has an amazing memory for dates! The number of times in conversation he says something like […]

Talent Show

8 June 2012 7.00pm St. Stephen’s Church Great entertainment (possibly!) Refreshments provided All funds raised for CANDI All Welcome

Vicarage Open Day

4 June 2012 1.00pm – 5.00pm Come and enjoy good company and conversation Bring and share food All welcome

Vicar’s May letter

Dear friends, If you are reading this sometime during the first weekend in May, then Sian and I should be […]

Afternoon Jubilee Tea Party

19 May 2012 3.00pm – 5.00pm At Bilson Mission Afternoon Tea Jubilee Exhibits, Plants, Books, Bric-a-Brac, Stalls Cost £2.50 each

Vicar’s April letter

Dear friends, I don’t really like winter! I know we have had a really mild winter this year, and I […]

Holy Week and Easter Service times

Holy Week and Easter services Monday 2nd 7.30 pm Benefice Holy Communion St John’s Tuesday 3rd 7.30 pm Benefice Holy […]

Luke’s Logos Diary (March 2012)

Hi everyone! I hope you all well! I would just like to start off by appologising for not posting anything […]

Forest Fitness Centre Annual Concert

The Forest of Dean Male Voice Choir and our own Belle Vue Singers Sat. 31st March 7.00pm at St. Stephens Church […]

Children of the Covenant – Benefice teaching event

Children of the Covenant – Benefice teaching event. Tuesday 13th March 7.30pm – 9.30pm at St Stephen’s. Mike will identify […]