Vicar’s September letter
Dear friends, I can remember as a child being taken to the circus as a special treat. I don’t think […]
Benefice Pilgrimage 22nd September
Purpose of walk A time of fellowship and getting to know each other and Bishop John. A chance to enjoy […]
Archbishop Rowan’s Sermon at All Saints’ Church, Newland
Sunday 22 July 2012 Readings: Song of Solomon 3.1-4 John 20.1-2, 11-18 In the name of the Father, and of […]
Journey into India
On Sunday 8 July at 6.00pm Jim Fisher will be giving a presentation at St. Stephen’s Church about his most recent […]
Vicar’s July letter
Dear friends, As I write this letter, the papers, TV and radio are full of reports aboutEngland’s progress in the […]
You are invited to a service with the Archbishop of Canterbury
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be making a three day visit to Gloucestershire this […]
You are invited to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury at Gloucester Cathedral
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be making a three day visit to Gloucestershire this […]
Vicar’s June letter
Dear friends, David Burt has an amazing memory for dates! The number of times in conversation he says something like […]
Talent Show
8 June 2012 7.00pm St. Stephen’s Church Great entertainment (possibly!) Refreshments provided All funds raised for CANDI All Welcome
Vicarage Open Day
4 June 2012 1.00pm – 5.00pm Come and enjoy good company and conversation Bring and share food All welcome
Vicar’s May letter
Dear friends, If you are reading this sometime during the first weekend in May, then Sian and I should be […]
Afternoon Jubilee Tea Party
19 May 2012 3.00pm – 5.00pm At Bilson Mission Afternoon Tea Jubilee Exhibits, Plants, Books, Bric-a-Brac, Stalls Cost £2.50 each