Each week, we hold a variety of services in our church buildings. This will include a service of Holy Communion at one of the churches around the Benefice on Sunday each week.
For the most up to date information please see our Facebook page or send an email to [email protected].
The 11.00 am Sunday service each week at St Stephen’s, Cinderford will be livestreamed to our YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
There is no need to book to attend any of the services, and hand sanitiser is available to use on the entrance to each church building. You may prefer to join the St Stephen’s livestream if you don’t feel well.
Please be aware that some of our services will be recorded or livestreamed. If you do not wish to be recorded, please speak to the service leader or a churchwarden who can advise you where to sit off camera. Please be aware the camera is NOT streaming during communion, so you can choose to take communion or receive a blessing without being recorded or livestreamed.
Services coming up are as planned (services marked with * will also be livestreamed):
Sunday 16 March
9.30 am Holy Communion at St John’s
10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Ethelbert’s
11.00 am Morning Worship at St Stephen’s (live-streamed)
Sunday 23 March
9.30 am Holy Communion at St John’s
10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Ethelbert’s
11.00 am Christening at St Stephen’s (live-streamed)
3.00 pm Holy Communion at Hanover Court
Sunday 30 March – Mothering Sunday
9.30 am Holy Communion at St John’s
10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Ethelbert’s
11.00 am Morning Worship at St Stephen’s (live-streamed)
If you would like to arrange a christening, baptism, wedding or funeral, please contact the Vicar, Mike Barnsley on (01594) 822286 / [email protected].