Eco-Vegan Fayre Sat 11 May 2024

Eco-Vegan Fayre, Saturday 11 May, 10 am – 1 pm, St Stephen’s Church Lawn & Marquee (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford, GL14 2AA).

Craft Fayre – Sat 16 March

Craft Fayre Saturday 16 March, will see the first of the 2019 St Stephen’s Craft Fayres. Come along and see […]

Holyland Trip Videos

Tomorrow (Sunday 3 March) evening there is an opportunity to watch some videos from the trip a group from around […]


Pancake Party There will be a pancake party at St Stephen’s Church (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford, Forest of Dean) on […]

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

Fairtrade Fortnight Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 starts in just two weeks time, this year the theme that the Fairtrade Foundation have […]